Room Enough For All

To change the world enough / you must cease to be afraid / of the poor.
We experience your fear as the least pardonable of / humiliations; in the past
it has sent us scurrying off / daunted and ashamed / into the shadows.
Now, / the world ending / the only one all of us have known
we seek the same / fresh light / you do: / the same high place / and ample table.
The poor always believe / there is room enough / for all of us;
the very rich never seem to have heard / of this.
In us there is wisdom of how to share / loaves and fishes / however few;
we do this everyday. / Learn from us, / we ask you.
We enter now / the dreaded location / of Earth's reckoning;
no longer far / off / or hidden in books / that claim to disclose / revelations;
it is here. / We must walk together without fear. / There is no path without us
—“To Change the World Enough” by Alice Walker

Our faith boldly professes that there is, indeed, room enough for all of us. There is, indeed, enough blessing to go around. Our God is not a God of scarcity; our God desires that we all experience the abundant wonders and beauties of creation. And no one is disposable. As we confront the complexities of COVID-19 and the devastations of racism, we must acknowledge that we need one another. Our only path forward is with one another. We are interdependent, interconnected, interrelated. And for this reason, we continue to monitor the safety of resuming in-person worship. As of now, all best practices recommend waiting. We will not meet in person for worship at least through August 31. And we will reassess as we get closer to the fall. Yet, even as we continue to meet over Zoom and in other alternative ways, we continue to be the church. We’ve never stopped being the church! We continue to fight for justice. We continue to offer hope and hospitality. We continue to show up for one another. This is who we are and who we continue to be. No matter what.

See you in (zoom) church,


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